#RTX5090 #DigitalFoundry
RT açınca 5090'ın bile soluğu bir tarafından çıkmış 🙂

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Çok iyi port yapmışlar. PS3 ve PS4 arası bir performans sergiliyor. Neredeyse tamamen sabit 30fps vermiş.

#AssassinsCreed #Nintendo #NintendoSwitch #DigitalFoundry

Assassin's Creed Rebel Collection on Switch - Last-Gen Port or Remaster?

Two classics of the series in one Switch package - and a solid port all round. With all DLC bundled in, it's very much an all-in-one - but does it leverage t...
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Beklenen karşılaştırma geldi...

Digital Foundry, Red Dead Redemption 2'nin her bir grafik ayarını XBOX One X ile karşılaştırmalı olarak incelemiş. Görselliğe ne kadar katkı yapıyor, performansı ne kadar etkiliyor ve One X üzerindeki görüntüyü hangi ayar seviyesinde alabiliyorsunuz açıklanmış.


#RedDeadRedemption2 #RDR2 #oyun #DigitalFoundry

Red Dead Redemption 2 PC: Every Graphics Setting Tested + Xbox One X Comparison

Rockstar hands over the new and enhanced RAGE engine to the PC userbase with its new port of Red Dead Redemption 2. But where do you start to tweak a game wi...
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Yüksek FPS değerlerinde oyun oynamak gerçekten o kadar önemli mi?
Digital Foundry anlatıyor...

#digitalfoundry #nvidia

[Sponsored] Beyond 60FPS: How Running Games at 144FPS/240FPS Can Improve The...

Turning v-sync off and running games unlocked has always lowered input lag and made for tighter control in gaming - but now we have a range of 144Hz and 240H...
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#DigitalFoundry İşi tamamen konsola dökmüşler sanırsam. Geri doğru dönük videolara bakayım dedim. Uzun süredir PC oyunları ,PC donanımları vs ile ilgili bir video göremedim.


Digital Foundry

Digital Foundry specialises in game technology and hardware reviews, using bespoke capture and analysis tools to provide a unique look at the way games play....
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"We shall be literally 'unboxing' it before your very eyes. And, most of the time when people are doing an unboxing video, they have actually unboxed it and they have put everything back in, but we're going in completely..., it's a complete unknown, we just don't know what's in there. My guess, a console"

Richard reyiz "kolpa değil bu iş oğlumm" diyor, TeknoSeyir'e ve başta @leventp abimize taş atıyor 😀 #RichardLeadbetter #DigitalFoundry #kolpa

Xbox One X Unboxing + Size Comparisons with PS4 Pro!

Yes! We've got our Xbox One X console and we've literally taken it out of the box - a process we have filmed for your viewing pleasure. Here's what you get i...
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#DigitalFoundry i7 #8700K incelemiş, KOŞUN!


Intel Core i7 8700K Review: The Fastest Gaming CPU Money Can Buy?

It's fast. Sometimes brutally fast. A hushed awe please for the new i7 - faster for gaming than the 7700K, faster than six, eight and ten-core Skylake-X enth...
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